Many products in food manufacturing start off as liquids, even when the final product ends up as a solid. These fluids are often heated, transferred from one container to another, poured into molds and cooled until they harden.
Often during this process, small air bubbles are introduced into the medium and if the product hardens without those bubbles being removed, you could end up trashing the entire batch due to compromised quality.
Chocolate is a good example of how industrial vibration can maximize purity in a product. After pouring the chocolate into molds, industrial vibrators can de-aerate the chocolate by bringing even the tiniest bubbles to the surface. Plus, the vibrating motion actually loosens the cooled chocolates from their mold cleanly and without manual labor.
Martin® industrial vibrators are particularly well-suited for helping ensure product quality and purity within the food preparation, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, because all standard models are wash-down safe, most are lubrication-free, and many are available in stainless-steel versions for specific needs.
At Martin® Vibration Systems, we have hundreds of products that fulfill a wide range of needs. We’re happy to discuss your operation’s needs and help you determine which product can help you streamline your process and improve or maintain your high quality standards. Just give us a call at 1-888-920-1933 or send a message to our Engineering/Application Department to connect with us.